Liverpool Hope granted me Honorary Fellow status on my retirement in June 2016. I hold an honours degree in Political Science (University of Birmingham), and an MA in Social and Pastoral Theology with Feminist Studies and a PhD in Theology (University of Manchester). I held posts at Hope from 2000 as Lecturer in Gender and Women's Studies, then Lecturer in Identity Studies, before being appointed as Senior Lecturer in Christian Theology in 2005, with promotion to Associate Professor in Christian Theology in 2012.

My research interests are informed by a deep engagement with feminist theory, gender theory and feminist theology. In my MA dissertation I engaged the philosophical work of Luce Irigaray to examine theologies of embodiment. My PhD research was a study of the British Christian Women's Movement of the 1970s and 1980s. A monograph on this subject was republished by Routledge in 2018. Acting in collaboration with the Korean Canadian theologian, Grace Ji-Sun Kim I have co-edited two collections where contributors develop reimagining of Christian doctrine as fully congruent with work for gender justice.

Recent research interests are informed by systematic theology, cultural studies and postcolonial critique of white privilege, with a particular focus on the specific and ongoing implications of the historical British empire for our understanding of past and present theological traditions. 

I am a member of the Society for the Study of Theology, and of the European Society for Women in Theological Research. I am also grateful for hospitality shown by the Lincoln Theological Institute at the University of Manchester.

Selected Publications


The British Christian Women’s Movement: a Rehabilitation of Eve (Routledge, 2018 [Ashgate, 2002])

Postcolonial Theology of Religions: Particularity and Pluralism in World Christianity (Routledge, 2013)

Edited Collections

Grace Ji-Sun Kim & Jenny Daggers (eds) Reimagining with Christian Doctrines: Responding to Global Gender Injustices (Palgrave, 2014)

Jenny Daggers & Grace Ji-Sun Kim (eds) Christian Doctrines for Global Gender Justice (Palgrave, 2015)

Gendering Christian Ethics  Liverpool Hope Ethics Series (Cambridge Scholars Press, 2012)

Book Chapters

 Ã¢â‚¬ËœPostcolonializing Mission-Shaped Church: the Church of England’s Mission and Religious Diversity’ in Kwok Pui-Lan and Stephen Burns (eds) Postcolonial Practice of Ministry (Rowman & Littlefield, July 2016) 

‘Whose Salvation? A Very Particular Christian Question’ in Wendy Dossett, Steve Knowles and Hannah Bacon (eds) Alternative Salvations, (Bloomsbury, 2015): 99-108.

 Ã¢â‚¬ËœIn a Trinitarian Embrace: Reflections from a Local Eucharistic Community in a Global World’ in Kim & Daggers (eds) Reimagining with Christian Doctrines (Palgrave, 2014): 26-48.

'Girls And Boys Come Out To Play: Feminist Theology And Radical Orthodoxy In Ludic Encounter'  in Lisa Isherwood and Marco Zlomisnik (eds) The Poverty of Radical Orthodoxy (Wipf and Stock, 2012): 77-118.

‘Transcendence and the Refiguring of God as Male, the Absolute Same’ in Lisa Isherwood & Elaine Bellchambers (eds) Through Us, With Us, In Us: Relational Theologies SCM Controversies series (London: SCM, 2010): 197-211.

Journal Articles

‘A Theological Anthropology for Human Flourishing: Postcolonial and Feminist Reflections for These Troubled Times’, in Louvain Studies 41 (2018) 2, 152-72.

‘On Playing with the Boys’, in ‘Feminist Theology: Listening and Giving Answer in a Secular and Plural World’ ESWTR Journal 19 (2012), 113-23.

‘Transforming Christian Womanhood: Female Sexuality and Church Missionary Society Encounters in the Niger Mission, Onitsha’,  in Victorian Review: an Interdisciplinary Journal of Victorian Studies, 37, 2, (2011) ): 89-106.   Special Edition (eds) Naomi Hetherington & Joy Dixon “Late Nineteenth Century Religion and Sexuality”.

‘Thinking "Religion": The Christian Past and Interreligious Future of Religious Studies and Theology’, in Journal of the American Academy of Religion, December 2010, 78, 4: 961–990.