

I graduated in Psychology in Italy.  Following a MSc in Research Methods & Psychology at London City University (UK), I have worked in various research roles and academic departments since 2012. 
I worked as research assistant in the Addiction Research Group at the University of Liverpool (UK), where I obtained my PhD in November 2017. My PhD was investigating Cognitive Bias Modification Interventions for the reduction of excessive alcohol consumption.  
I have since worked as a Senior Health Researcher for Public Health Wales (PHW) - NHS Trust. PHW is a WHO collaborating Research Centre, here I led the evidence base review of cost-effective interventions to prevent and mitigate Adverse Childhood Experiences (one adversity being parental substance abuse).  
Following, I was a Senior Post-doctoral researcher at the University of Chester (UK) where I worked on a series of externally funded projects and interventions tackling the Armed Forces Community health and well-being.  
Currently, I am a visiting Research Fellow at Chester University and a Lecturer in Psychology here at Liverpool Hope University. My teaching focuses on the 3 UG years and includes: Clinical Psychology, Tutorials, and Seminars in Applied Psychology. I also supervise UG & PG dissertation research projects in my areas of interest.  Finally, I am a fellow of the Higher Education Academy (from 2014) and a member of the Italian National Psychology Association (ALBO A - Lazio, form 2009).

More details can be found below: 
  • Steen, M. P., Di Lemma, L. C. G., Finnegan, A., Wepa, D., McGhee, S. Self-compassion and Veterans Health: A scoping review (2021). Journal of Veteran Studies, 7(1), 86-130. DOI: http://doi.org/10.21061/jvs.v7i1.219
  • Finnegan, A.F., Di Lemma, L. C. G., McGhee, S., & Watson, R. (2021). Evaluating serious stress in military veterans, their carers and families: a protocol. BMJ Military Health.
  • Di Lemma, L. C. G, Finnegan, A. P. & Howe S. (2020). An evaluation and critical analysis of the impact of the Aged Veterans Fund. Armed Forces Covenant. https://covenantfund.org.uk/programme/aged-veterans-fund/
  • Di Lemma, L. C. G., Stancak A., Soto V., Fallon N. & Field, M. (2020). Event-related and readiness potentials when preparing to approach and avoid alcohol cues following Cue Avoidance Training in heavy drinkers. Psychopharmacology, 1-16.
  • Sharp C. A., Bellis M. A., Hughes K., Ford K. & L. C. G. Di Lemma (2020). Public acceptability of public health policy to improve population health: A population-based survey. Health Expectations
  • Di Lemma, L. C. G., Davies, A. R., Ford, K., Hughes, K., Homolova L., Gray B., Richardson G. & Bellis M A. (2019). Responding to Adverse Childhood Experiences. An evidence review of efforts to prevent and address adversity across the life course. Public Health Wales, Policy, Research and International Directorate, a World Health Organization Collaborating Centre on Investment for Health and Well-being, Cardiff and Bangor University, Wrexham, ISBN 978-1-78986-035-1.
  • Reid A., Field, M., Jones, A., Di Lemma, L. C. G. & Robinson E. (2019). Social modelling of health behaviours: Testing self-affirmation as a conformity-reduction strategy. British Journal of Health Psychology.
  • Sharp, C. A., Hughes, K., Di Lemma, L. C. G. & Bellis M A. (2019). Stay Well in Wales Super Profiles. Who thinks what about the Nations Health. Public Health Wales, Policy, Research and International Directorate, a World Health Organization Collaborating Centre on Investment for Health and Well-being and Bangor University, Wrexham, ISBN 978-1-78986-051-1.
  • Ford, K., Hughes, K., Hardcastle, K., Di Lemma, L. C. G., Davies, A. R., Edwards, S. & Bellis M A. (2019). The evidence base for routine enquiry into adverse childhood experiences: A scoping review. Child Abuse & Neglect, 91, 131-146.
  • Di Lemma, L. C. G., & Field, M. (2017). Cue avoidance training and inhibitory control training for the reduction of alcohol consumption: a comparison of effectiveness and investigation of their mechanisms of action. Psychopharmacology, 1-10.
  • Field, M., Di Lemma, L. C. G., Christiansen, P., & Dickson, J. (2017). Automatic avoidance tendencies for alcohol cues predict drinking after detoxification treatment in alcohol dependence. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 31(2), 171.
  • Jones, A., Di Lemma, L. C., Robinson, E., Christiansen, P., Nolan, S., Tudur-Smith, C., & Field, M. (2016). Inhibitory control training for appetitive behaviour change: A meta-analytic investigation of mechanisms of action and moderators of effectiveness. Appetite, 97, 16-28. 
  • Di Lemma, Lisa C. G., Dickson J. M., Jedras, P., Roefs, A., & Field, M. (2015). Priming of conflicting motivational orientations in heavy drinkers: robust effects on self-report but not implicit measures. Frontiers in psychology 6, 1-16. 
  • Jones, A., Button, E., Rose, A. K., Robinson, E., Christiansen, P., Di Lemma, L. C. G., & Field, M. (2015). The ad-libitum alcohol 'taste-test': secondary analyses of potential confounds and construct validity. Psychopharmacology, 1-8.