

I joined Liverpool Hope University in 2010 as an Associate Professor within the Centre for Cultural and Disability Studies. After completing my doctoral studies I shared my expertise with trainee teachers at Edge Hill University.In 2003, I moved to the University of Chester where, amongst other duties, I was subject leader for undergraduate Education Studies, taught on the M.Ed special needs programme and led the development of the Disability Studies undergraduate degree. In 2005, I became an executive committee member of the British Educational Studies Association (BESA). In 2007 I was invited to become a member of the review team that was set up by the Quality and Assurance Agency (QAA) to revise and update the Education Studies benchmark statements. I joined Liverpool John Moores University in 2007 as a principal lecturer in educational research and taught on the Education Studies and Special and Inclusive Needs programme, led the research methodology module at Masters level and was the coordinator for Research Informed Teaching initiatives across the Faculty. I am also a Fellow of the Historical Association and was a member of their Primary Committee. At Liverpool Hope I  teach undergraduate and Master programmes within the area of SEN/D. I also  supervise Ph.D and E.D. students at research phase.

Research interests are in the representations of impairment and disability in textbooks and digital media employed within educational settings and the development of chronology in primary schools. I also have a keen interest in educational inclusion and special educational needs in relation to national and international policy and practice formulation.