

Dr. Krystyna Kovalska is a lecturer in Business Management at the Liverpool Hope University Business School. She joined Liverpool Hope in September 2022, having previously worked as an Associate Professor at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine, and as a Visiting Associate Professor at the Financial-Legal College in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Her teaching experience covers a wide range of areas, but for the last 10 years, her expertise has been in Human Resource Management, Talent Management, and Management Consulting. She completed her PhD in April 2005 at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, where her research focused on building a corporate governance strategy. She also worked on a grant-funded project (National Center for Creative Entrepreneurship) between Kingston University, London, and Taras Shevchenko (2021).

In Kyiv, she was also engaged as a researcher in a state-funded research project titled, "Modernization of Ukraine's Economy on the Basis of Sustainable Socio-Economic Development: Patterns, Contradictions, Risks," where she was specifically responsible for "Management of Innovative Development at Micro, Meso, and Macro-Economic Levels" (2010-2015). She is a member of the Editorial Board of the Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv: Economics.

Her current research projects focus on human resource management and talent management as business strategies to attract and retain the most skilled workers and enhance performance. She is also working on strategic management and management consulting, which is challenging her to explore new concepts and ideas.


Bashynska, I.; Malynovska, Y.; Kolinko, N.; Bielialov, T.; Järvis, M.; Kovalska, K.; Saiensus (2024) M. Performance Assessment of Sustainable Leadership of Enterprise’s Circular Economy-Driven Innovative Activities. Sustainability, 16, 558. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16020558

Kozlova, O., Korzh-Usenko, L., Kukin, I., Bezuhla, Z. and Kovalska, K. (2022) Innovative Technologies in the Personnel Management System, Ad Alta: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 12(2), 237-244.

Kozlova, O., Korzh-Usenko, L., Kukin, I., Bezuhla, Z. and Kovalska, K. (2022) Technologies For Developing Solutions For Personnel Management: Modern Challenges, International Journal Of Computer SienceAnd Network Security, 22 (11), 669-675

Ovcharenko, T. and Kovalska, K. (2021) Assessment of the investment climate of the construction industry in Ukraine, Naukovi Perspectyvy, 12 (18), 345-358 

Kovalska, K. and Ovcharenko, T. (2020) Problems and prospects of building an innovative climate in Ukraine, Economichni studiyi: naukovo-practychnyi zhurnal, 2 (28), 30-36 

Kovalska, K. and Solodarenko-Litkovska, R. (2020) Organizational and methodological aspects of the implementation of the HR development strategy at an enterprise, Ekonomika ta derzhava, 7, 150-154. DOI: 10.32702/2306-6806.2020.7.150 

Kovalska, K. and Ovcharenko, T. (2019) Employee counselling as the way of employee assistance and adapting in the terms of human resource management, The Potential of Modern Science, 2. London, 105-116.

Kovalska, K. and Kovalyuh, E. (2019) Factors and indicators of effectiveness of a talent management system in organizations, Molodyi vchenyi, 4 (68), 173-178.

Kovalska, K. (2019) Application of BIG DATA in personnel management of modern organizations Biznes. Upravlinnia. Hlobalni ekonomichni vyklyky ta mozhlyvosti u tsyfrovu epokhu EFBM 2019: Mizhnarodnyi ekonomichnyi forum, 140.

Kovalska, K. and Pryhodko, A. (2019) Features of developing a balanced system of indicators for realization of HRM strategy at an innovative enterprise, Efektyvna ekonomika, 5, available at: http://www.economy.nayka.com.ua/?op=1&z=7055 [UKR].

Kovalska, K. and Pastushenko, R. (2018) Trends in the development of the consulting services market in the context of the post-crisis period in Ukraine, Molodyi vchenyi, 8, 194-198.

Kovalska, K. and Ovcharenko, T. (2018) Trends of an enterprise investment development in the Ukrainian market of information technologies, Journal Association 1901 "SEPIKE", 20, 144-149.

Kovalska, K., Anisimova, L. and Ovcharenko, T. (2017) Modern trends and problems of development of consulting services industry in Ukraine, Journal Association 1901 "SEPIKE", 17, 84-90.

Kovalska, K. (2016) Features of the process of formation and implementation of personnel development strategy at an enterprise, Molodyi vchenyi, 3 (30), 89-93.

Kovalska, K. and Karpych, A. (2016) Corporate social responsibility as a factor to consider in fundamental analysis of agribusiness: theoretical aspects. Problemy i perspektyvy innovatsiinoho rozvytku ahrarnoho sektora ekonomiky v umovakh intehratsiinykh protsesiv, 2, 170-174. 

Kovalska, K., Anisimova, L. and Ovcharenko, T. (2016) The necessity of development of students professional competences in economic specialties, Journal Association 1901 "SEPIKE", 15 (1), 5-8.

Kovalska, K. and Ovcharenko, T. (2015) Features of motivating the staff of an innovative enterprise. Efektyvna ekonomika, 12, available at: http://www.economy.nayka.com.ua/?op=1&z=4631 

Kovalska, K. (2015) Management of organizational changes in consulting projects, Socio-economic aspects of economics and management: Collection of scientific articles, 2, Aspekt Publishing, Taunton, MA, United States of America, 305-309.

Kovalska, K. and Ovcharenko, T. (2015) Prospects for the development of leasing activities in the context of globalization. Promising problems of economics and management: Collection of scientific articles. Publishing house "BREEZE", Montreal, Canada, 80-86.

Kovalska, K. and Oparina, H. (2015) Modern methods of personnel selection at an enterprise, Molodyi vchenyi, 5 (2), 38-44.

Kovalska, K. (2014) Status and prospects of development of the German consulting services market in the context of European trends, Visnyk Kyivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. Seriia "Ekonomika", 161, 42-45.

Kovalska, K. (2014) Features and trends in the development of the consulting services market in Ukraine, Efektyvna ekonomika, 6, available at: http://www.economy.nayka.com.ua/?op=1&z=3156 

Kovalska, K. and Olishevska, Y. (2014) Building a personnel assessment system on an enterprise in the market economy. The priorities of the world science: experiments and scientific debate: Proceedings of the III International scientific conference 18-19 February 2014, Saint Petersburg. North Charleston, SC, USA: CreateSpace, 36-49.

Kovalska, K. (2013) Theoretical and methodological principles of strategic assessment of the organization' activity in Ukraine, Konkurentospromozhnist natsionalnoi ekonomiky: Mizhnarodna naukovo-praktychna konferentsiia, 124-128 

Kovalska, K. (2012) Features of the system for managing conflicts of interest in a corporation, Sovremennyi menedzhment: problemy y perspektyvy: Mezhdunarodnaia nauchno-praktycheskaia konferentsyia, 227-232.

Kovalska, K. (2012) Components of the strategic human resource management system of the organization, Visnyk Kyivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. Seriia Ekonomika, 137, 31-34.

Kovalska, K. (2011) Influence of transformation factors in planning and implementation strategies for the enterprise in conditions of globalization. "Ukraine-EU-Czech Republic: Current Status and Future Trends". Zbirnyk materialiv mizhnarodnoho naukovo-praktychnoho seminaru. Kherson-Praha: PP Vyshemyrskyi V.S., 59-64.

Kovalska, K. (2011) The essence and features of conflict of interests management in a corporation, Visnyk Kyivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. Seriia Ekonomika, 122, 86-89.

Kovalska, K. (2010) New approaches to staff motivation in strategic corporate governance, Formuvannia rynkovykh vidnosyn v Ukraini, (104), 29-33.

Kovalska, K. (2010) Socio-psychological support of strategic management processes of corporations,  Visnyk Khmelnytskoho natsionalnoho universytetu, 1(2), 76-79.

Kovalska, K. (2019) Building a state corporate rights management system in Ukraine, Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Natsionalnoho universytetu derzhavnoi podatkovoi sluzhby Ukrainy: Elektronne naukove fakhove vydannia, 2, available at: www.nbvu.gov.ua/e-journals/Znpnudps/ .

Kovalska, K. and Solovyan, Y. (2009) Quality of corporate governance as a necessary component of strategic development of a joint stock company, Menedzhment: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats, 12, 96-104.

Rak, R. and Kovalska, K. (2009) Government securities in the field of government borrowing of Ukraine, Visnyk Kyivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. Seriia "Ekonomika", 116, 7-9.

Rak, R. and Kovalska, K. (2009) Private pension support in Ukraine, Visnyk Kyivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. Seriia Ekonomika, 113, 32-34.

Kovalska, K. and Rak, R. (2009) Features of planning and implementation of organizational changes in the process of management consulting, Visnyk Kyivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. Seriia Ekonomika, 112, 19-21.

Kovalska, K. (2009) Problems of forming corporate governance strategy in Ukraine, Formuvannia rynkovykh vidnosyn v Ukraini, 2 (93), 58-61.

Kovalska, K. (2009) Factors of forming a dividend policy of a joint stock company, Visnyk Kyivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. Seriia "Ekonomika", 108, 87-89.

Kovalska, K. (2008) Features of management participation in strategic management of the corporation, Formuvannia rynkovykh vidnosyn v Ukraini, 11 (90), 3-7.

Kovalska, K. (2008) The role of owners in forming and implementing the development strategy of a joint stock company, Formuvannia rynkovykh vidnosyn v Ukraini, 10 (89), 28-31.

Kovalska, K. (2008) Influence of transformational factors on strategic management of enterprises, Visnyk Kyivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. Seriia "Ekonomika", 99, 39-40.

Kovalska, K. and Yevtushevska, O. (2006) The essence and features of a dividend policy of domestic corporations, Visnyk Kyivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. Seriia "Ekonomika", 83, 27-29.

Kovalska, K. (2004) Problems of development of the organizational and economic mechanism of functioning of joint-stock companies, Vcheni zapysky. Seriia "Ekonomika", 11, 10-14.

Kovalska, K. (2004) Financial stability of the joint stock company as a condition of its economic development, Finance of Ukraine, 2, 101-104.

Kovalska, K. (2003) Dividend realities of Ukrainian companies, Investytsyonnyia gazeta, 51 (429), 12.Yevtushevskyi, V. and Kovalska, K. (2003) Strategy for the development of internal corporate governance at industrial enterprises of Ukraine, Vcheni zapysky, 7, 76-81.

Kovalska, K. (2003) Functioning of boards of directors of joint-stock companies of Ukraine: state and problems of improvement, Teoretychni ta prykladni pytannia ekonomiky. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats, 3, 252-257.

Kovalska, K. (2003) Problems of protection of shareholder minorities in countries with economies in transition, Visnyk Kyivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. Seriia Ekonomika, 64, 28-29.

Yevtushevskyi, V. and Kovalska, K. (2003) Dividend policy in joint-stock companies of Ukraine: state and problems of formation, Theories of micro and macroeconomics, 12, 5-11.

Kovalska, K. (2003) The essence of strategic planning for the development of joint stock companies, Formuvannia rynkovykh vidnosyn v Ukraini, 4 (23), 53-55.

Kovalska, K. (2002) Motivation of staff in the strategic management of a joint stock company, Teoretychni ta prykladni pytannia ekonomiky. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats, 1, 348-353.

Kovalska, K. (2002) Methodological problems of forming the management strategy of joint-stock companies, Visnyk Tekhnolohichnoho universytetu Podillia. Seriia: ekonomichni nauky, 2, 135-138.


Kovalska, K. (2020) Human Resource Management. Kyiv: Vydavnytstvo Naukova stolytsia. 

Kovalska, K. (2017) Human Resource Management. Kyiv: AhroMediaHrup LTD. 

Chervanyov, D., Zhylinska, O., Petrovskyi, M, Kovalska, K., et al. (2011) Interdisciplinary dictionary of management. Kyiv: Nichlava. 

Yevtushevskyi ,V., Kovalska, K. and Butenko, N. (2007) Corporate governance strategy: Monograph. Kyiv: Znannia.