Associate Professor in Applied Theatre
Short Biography
I hold a PhD from Trinity College University Dublin, titled 'Theatre in Urban Regeneration: Global Cities, New Narratives and the Regeneration of Ballymun (1998-2010)'. I have an Honours Masters Degree awarded by Dublin City University (St. Patrick's College). I initially trained as a classical actor at the Conservatory of Music and Drama, Rathmines, Dublin.
I am a Principal Lecturer in Drama and Theatre and a Fellow of the Higher Academy of Education.
I set up the first Hope Graduate Theatre Company (HGTC) for the School in 2012 and continue to act as Artistic and Managing Director of the company. The Theatre Company has become an annual feature of the School, devising and facilitating a range of projects, visiting schools in the North West, delivering specialised drama workshops in nursing homes, prisons, community centres etc. HGTC work closely with our partnership groups and have successfully delivered projects with the TATE Liverpool and the European Opera Centre, among others. I am the creator of the applied theatre model of practice Forgotten Futures and the City.
Teaching Specialisms
- Community and Applied Theatre
- Arts Intervention in Dementia Care
- Performance in Prisons
- The Urban and Performance (Global Cities, Urban Regeneration)
- Voice and the Actor (radio)
- Storytelling and Identity
School Roles
I am course leader for the BA Drama and Theatre Studies pathway.
I am the International Co-ordinator for the Creative Campus.
Over the years I have sat on a number of Steering Committees for the University, such as the library, student engagement, foundation hour etc.
I am on the Women in Leadership Steering Committee
I am on the Global Hope Steering Committee
I am a PhD Chair for the University
I am Exams Officer for our subject
Recent Works
The last 4 years have seen me co-organise international symposia in conjunction with TATE Liverpool: 'In Athens' Shadow: Radical Cultural Responses to Crisis in Urban Democracy' (Feb 2017), 'Arts Disarming Philosophy: A Symposium on Non-Philosophy and Aesthetics' (Feb 2018), 'Alien Sound: Ambient Music and the Limits of the Human' (Feb 2019) and 'The Work of Art in the Post-Human' (Feb 2020). I have also had 3 weekly annual residencies in the TATE Exchange Programme for the Forgotten Futures and the City project (March 2017, 2018, 2019).
For future information about my work, please visit:
Recent Publications:
Malone, N. 'Remember the Future? Reflections on TATE Exchange as a Platform for Possibility in Hard Times' in Tate Papers online journal, Special Edition, (Peer reviewed). Autumn 2020
Malone, N. Joyful Discontinuity: The Radical Immanence of Dementia. (Chapter), Performance Philosophy Series, Springer. (Peer reviewed). Dec 2020
Malone, N. Shakespeare, S. & Anderson, G. Art Disarming Philosophy. Performance Philosophy Series, Springer. (Peer reviewed) Co-Editor Dec 2020
Malone, N. & Miles, D. 'Never Ending Story and Forgotten Futures: moving beyond decline/renewal binaries in dementia care' in Research in Drama Education, Special Issue on Theatre and Dementia. (Peer-reviewed) Jan 2019
Malone, Wall, Fries, Rowe & Oslelind. 'Drama and theatre for health and well-being', Encyclopaedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Good Health and Well-Being (Peer-reviewed and fully indexed publication) Jan 2019
Malone, N. Co-Editor Special Edition Forum Kritika on Radical Cultural Responses to Urban Democracy , Kritika Kultura, Online, International, Journal, No. 30/31. Co- Editor Feb
Malone, N. Culture as Contradiction in Urban Regeneration: Sanitization, Commodification and Critical Responses in Liverpool One in Kritika Kultura, No. 30/31. (Peer reviewed) Feb 2018
Malone, N. & Redgarve, D. The Imaginary Spell: A Manual for Storytelling in Dementia Care March 2017
Malone, N. & Redgarve, D. Keeping Memories Alive: Creativity in Dementia care, alternatives to Pharmacotherapy. Taylor and Francis (Routledge). (Peer reviewed) 2016