

I am a National Teaching Fellow (2007), a Chartered Psychologist and an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society (A.F.BPs.S) combining my social science training with my practitioner approach to learning and teaching in higher education; my particular interest is in the affordances of pedagogical action research (PedAR) which I have been developing for a number of years. My most recent book is Action Research in Teaching and Learning. A Practical Guide to Conducting Pedagogical Research in Universities (Routledge, 2018).
I have supervised 12 doctoral students to successful completion and have externally examined 20. I am currently supervising doctoral research in  both higher and further education. My research interests also include students' and staff experiences of educational practices such as transition, assessment and feedback, student transformation, and student choice,as well as research with an action research methodology.
I am currently working on two research projects: 'exploring professional learning conversations' (with Dr Namrata Rao, Liverpool Hope University) and 'vulnerability as a pedagogy of choice' (with Dr Daniela Mangione, Anglia Ruskin University).  I am also acting as guest editor (with Professor Lydia Arnold, Harper Adams University) on a special issue of Educational Action Research on pedagogical action research.