

I am a Lecturer in Social Sciences at Liverpool Hope University.My Doctoral Degree at Newcastle University encompasses the field of social gerontology. I conducted ethnographic research about older migrants' sense of home, with a thesis entitled: "Place attachment and place identity amongst older Italians in Newcastle upon Tyne".  Afterward, with the aim of engaging the public, I directed the documentary "Age is Just a Bingo Number" (2018), which concerns with experiences of aging in the context of migration and promotes social aspects of the environment for health and well-being in later life. My previous educational experience includes research projects with older people. Through my BA's and MA's degrees in Psychology, at "La Sapienza" University of Rome (2004-2011), I developed an interest in narratives of older people, with an anthropological approach. In 2011-2012 I was a Research Assistant at the University of Portsmouth, where I explored the meaning of home in later life. Moreover, I worked in collaboration with the Universite Libre de Bruxelles (2013), while conducting an Internship at the European Parliament, about people living with disabilities, thanks to the post-graduate ERASMUS project "Leonardo Da Vinci". Afterward, I worked in Denmark (2014), thanks to the European Voluntary Service (SVE), in a daily center for mental health support. Since 2012, I am a Fellow of the Italian Psychological Society, Molise Region.