

I am a Professional Tutor at Hope University. I hold a BA (Hons) in Community Dance, PGcertHE and a MA in Dance Practices from Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU). My dance practices focus on movement principles originated from Limon Technique and facilitate the moving body through creative dance workshops in Choreography/Site work/Screen dance, Dance Technology (Interdisciplinary) and music/sound accompaniment. In a previous 'regeneration' I delivered traditional techniques such as Jazz performance and reconstruction.

 After receiving a Centre of Excellence in Teaching and Learning award and sabbatical to visit the Limon Institute in New York, with the emphasis on exploration of music enhancement and innovative composition informing choreography and dance pedagogy. My continuing research is framed through a practice-based approach into the impact of Pulse/rhythm generated within movement and physicality of the body. I am frequently invited to mentor emerging artists within the northwest region, adjudicate performance events and deliver professional classes throughout Europe and across the United Kingdom. 

I volunteer as a mentor/advisor to local artists and dance facilitators across the NW region.

Teaching Specialisms

Limon influence technique

Mattox technique

Choreography/performance practice

Site & Screen dance practice

Music/soundscore accompaniment and composition

Workshop practice facilitator

School Roles

First Year Tutor in Dance

Second Year Tutor in Dance

Recruitment team member (Dance)

Social Media Lead in Dance

Professional organisations/Networks

Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)

Board member for KS Dance performing Arts College

Dance practices/Choreography/Theory tutor for Liverpool Central Studios

Member of dance HE (North-West) Consortium

Research in Performance 

Practice/Choreographic works:

Pierre-Louis, B. & Walters, D. (2009) JMUsic & Dance project ‘The Listening and learning Dancer’- a three day residency of workshops/seminars exploring the creative relationship between music, movement & dance.

Brooks PA, Kahlic LC, Pierre-Louis B, Walton A. (2015): Liverpool John Moores university Research- In-Action-Day, St Georges hall, Liverpool Telematic Performing Arts-Linking students around the world using video conferencing.

Performer: Tracing spaces (2015) Capstone Theatre Performed and created by Bernard Pierre-Louis & Angie Walton.    Immersive performance work exploring improvisation and sound

M2MiS (2013) & M2Mis revisited (2015) Structured improvised work in response to original soundscore

MuTe (2016) Ensemble work exploring movement, space, stillness and silence 

Pierre-Louis B, & Walton A. (2017) (TIN) Middlesex university, School of Media and Performing Arts, London: Closing provocation Improvisation and embodied histories: A participatory research salon. Liverpool Hope University.

Panel  Host - African Routes Revival (2024) Emergent Voices. A celebration and exploring the rich traditions and future of Black dance in the UK

Journal article

Innovations in Practice LJMU CETL

The impact on student learning in relationship to language, curriculum and the delivery of dance practice (2008)