

Tobiasz is a lecturer at Liverpool Hope University. His research program aims to understand how the human brain perceives the visual world, and how perception is influenced by experience and learning. He studies this question by examining how visual and conceptual knowledge interact to influence our representations of objects, faces, and scenes. Tobiasz's current research projects explore the mechanisms underlying the role of socio-cognitive factors in the perception of other-race faces. Moreover, he is also interested in understanding the impact of individual and cross-cultural differences on aesthetic experience. The techniques he uses include a combination of behavioural, eye tracking, and statistical methods. Tobiasz holds a PhD in Psychology from the University of Southampton. Before joining Liverpool Hope University, he did postdoctoral research at New York University in Abu Dhabi.

List of publications:

Trawinski, T., Palumbo, L., Begum, R. & Donnelly, N. (2024). The effect of social factors on eye movements made when judging the aesthetic merit of figurative paintings. Sci Rep 14, 21843.

Trawinski, T., Mestry, N., & Donnelly, N. (2023). The Effect of Prior Viewing Position and Spatial Scale on the Viewing of Paintings. Vision7(3), 55.

Palumbo, L., Harrison, N. R., Trawinski, T., Kass, J., Metelmann, A. C., Bari, R. S. G., & Donnelly, N. (2023). Visual exploration mediates the influence of personal traits on responses to artworks in an art gallery setting. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. Advance online publication.

Trawinski, T., Zang, C., Liversedge, S. P., Ge, Y., & Donnelly, N. (2023). The time-course of fixations in representational paintings: A cross-cultural study. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. 17(4), 412-427.

Cheung, O. S., Heyn, O., & Trawinski, T. (2022). Preference at First Sigh: Effects of Shape and Font Qualities on Evaluation of Object-Word Pairs. Vision. 6(2), 22.

Trawinski, T., Aslanian, A., Cheung, O. S., (2021). The Effect of Implicit Racial Bias on Recognition of Other-Race Faces. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications. 6(67), 1-16.

Trawinski, T., Zang, C., Liversedge, S. P., Ge, Y., Fu, Y., & Donnelly, N. (2021). The influence of culture on the viewing of Western and East Asian paintings. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. Advance online publication.

Trawinski, T., Mestry, N., Harland, B., Liversedge, S. P., Godwin, H. J., & Donnelly, N. (2021). The spectatorship of portraits by naive beholders. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 15(1), 3-19.

Donnelly, N., Harland, B., Mestry, N., Thompson, N., Trawinski, T., & Liversedge, S. P. (2017). The influence of pupil alignment on spectator address in Manets portraiture. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 11(2), 167-178.

Trawinski T., Lawecka K. & Fratczak E. (2015). The Impact of Feedback on the Creative Process. Committee for Philology of the Polish Academy of Science in Wroclaw, 8, 105-117.

Trawinski, T. (2014). Problematyka odbioru dziela sztuki - na przykladzie tworczosci Hansa Bellmera. [The issue of the reception of a work of art. The study of the dolls of Hans Bellmer]. Ogrody nauk i sztuk, 4, 603-609.

Trawinski, T. (2014). Wartosci jako wyznaczniki samodzielnych pracownikow naukowych. [Values as Exponents of Identity of Senior Researchers]. Committee for Philology of the Polish Academy of Science in Wroclaw, 6, 107-120.

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