

I am a social scientist specialising in clinical health psychology. Having been part of a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Network, I have been continuously involved in collaborative research and learning across the UK, the Netherlands, Italy, Sweden, Israel and Poland.

I'm particularly interested in the health and wellbeing of informal caregivers and brain injury survivors. I am keen on the use of critical approaches to health and creative methodologies. I tend to use qualitative and mixed methods. I have developed expertise in qualitative and mixed-method systematic reviews (evidence syntheses).

I work in various health psychology theories, cross-cultural psychology, social care, critical phenomenology, issues of ageing and diversity, social justice and care ethics.

I am a member of the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS), Marie Sklodowska-Curie (MSCA) alumnus, Chartered Member of the British Psychological Society (BPS) at the Division of Health Psychology (DHP), and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA).

List of publications:

- Zarzycki, M., Seddon, D., Petrovic, M., Morrison, V. (2024) Supporting Individuals With an Acquired Brain Injury: An Interpretative Phenomenological Study Exploring the Everyday Lives of Caregivers. Qualitative Health Research

- Zarzycki, M., Vilchinsky, N., Bei, E., Ferraris, G., Seddon, D., & Morrison, V. (2024). Cross-country variations in the caregiver role: evidence from the ENTWINE-iCohort study. BMC Public Health.

Elayan, S., Bei, E., Ferraris, G., Fisher, O., Zarzycki, M., et al. (2024) Cohort profile: The ENTWINE iCohort study, a multinational longitudinal web-based study of informal care. PLOS ONE.

- Ferraris, G., Gerain, P., Zarzycki, M., Elayan, S., Morrison, V., Sanderman, R., & Hagedoorn, M. (2024). The associations of dyadic coping strategies with caregiver's willingness to care and burden: A weekly diary study. Journal of Health Psychology.

- Ferraris, G., Zarzycki, M., Gerain, P., Elayan, S., Morrison, V., Sanderman, R., & Hagedoorn, M. (2023). Does willingness to care fluctuate over time? A weekly diary study among informal caregivers. Psychology & Health.

- Bei, E., Morrison, V., Zarzycki, M., & Vilchinsky, N. (2023). Barriers, facilitators, and motives to provide distance care, and the consequences for distance caregivers: A mixed-methods systematic review. Social Science & Medicine.

- Zarzycki, M., Seddon, D., & Morrison, V. (2022). Informal caregiver motivations, values, challenges and gains: A photovoice and interpretative phenomenological analysis of interrelationships. Journal of Health Psychology.

- Zarzycki, M., Seddon, D., Bei, E., Dekel, R., & Morrison, V. (2022). How Culture Shapes Informal Caregiver Motivations: A Meta-Ethnographic Review. Qualitative Health Research, 32(10), 1574-1589.

- Zarzycki, M., Seddon, D., Bei, E., & Morrison, V. (2022). Why do they care? A qualitative systematic review and meta-synthesis of informal caregiver personal and relational motivations to provide care. Health Psychology Review.

- Zarzycki, M., Morrison, V., Bei, E., & Seddon, D. (2022). Cultural and societal motivations for being informal caregivers: A qualitative systematic review and meta-synthesis. Health Psychology Review.

- Morrison, V., Zarzycki, M., Vilchinsky, N., et al. (2022). A multinational longitudinal study incorporating intensive methods to examine caregiver experiences in the context of chronic health conditions: Protocol of the ENTWINE-iCohort. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 821.

- Zarzycki, M., & Morrison, V. (2021). Getting back or giving back: understanding caregiver motivations and willingness to provide informal care. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 9(1), 636-661.

- Bei, E., Zarzycki, M., Morrison, V., & Vilchinsky, N. (2021). Motivations and willingness to provide care from a geographical distance, and the impact of distance care on caregivers' mental and physical health: a mixed-method systematic review protocol. BMJ Open, 11(7).

- Demidas, A., & Zarzycki, M. (2019). Touch and pain sensations in diadynamic current (DD) and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS): a randomized study. BioMed Research International.